Client Experience Is Your Competitive Edge

Robin Pasley, NCIDQ Season 1 Episode 3

The meeting discussed how customer experience and interior design can help businesses grow. The speaker talked about studies showing customers value experience over other factors and are willing to spend more with companies providing excellent service. Creating repeat customers through good experiences can significantly boost profits. Robin Pasley emphasized using interior design to communicate a business's values and set them apart from competitors, in order to create memorable experiences for clients. The goal is to use design as a strategic tool to help businesses thrive in competitive markets.

Randi Lynn Johnson 00:00

Welcome to design to help your business grow. I'm your host, Randi Lynn Johnson. Each episode will bring tips and insight into how to make sure your interiors are working for you and growing your business.

I appreciate you saying about customer service and stuff, because that actually segues into. The next thing I want to talk about is customer experience being a competitive edge, you know, so with the dawn of the information age, it's brought this idea of new currency, the customer experience, how a customer feels during their interaction with your brand, often holds more sway in their decision making process than any other factor. Oh, for sure. You know, so customer experience is what sets Chick fil A apart from each other. I'm not going to name names. We know where you go in and and nobody even greets you. Right, your order, right? And you got Chick fil A people offering more service? Can I refresh your beverage?

Robin Pasley  01:03

Little flowers on the table?

Randi Lynn Johnson  01:07

It's an experience. They really did get in? I mean, because I know Chick fil A is, you know, a little pricier. But according to a study by American Express customers are willing to spend 17% more on companies delivering excellent customer service. Oh, wow. So great stat. I mean, it just goes to show people, they want to feel something

Robin Pasley  01:29

it's totally true. And you know, that's the thing, like I said, I mean, I can't, I can't dictate how you're going to take care of people. But we work with great clients, I mean, people that are already doing great work. And so what we want to do is just accentuate that in the space that they're doing the work in, we just want to make sure it's saying the same thing that their mission and vision says in the back room, you know, this is how we treat people we want the space to feel like that's how they're going to be truly so the investments in the comfort of seating or, Oh, yeah, how they can move around in the space or the ambiance. You mentioned scent and sound all of it. Yep. If is their space communicating what they value? And absolutely, yeah, so good. This whole thing. 

Randi Lynn Johnson 

So another point about customer experience is the idea of creating repeat customers. A study by brain and company indicated that a mere 5% increase in customer retention can boost profits by an astonishing 25 to 95%. Wow. The likelihood of selling to an existing happy customer is up to 14 times higher than the probability of selling to a new customer. According to marketing metrics. Yep. That's good stats.

Robin Pasley  02:44

For any business owner, oh my goodness, wanting to keep those that they've already made happy.

Randi Lynn Johnson  02:50

So you guys who are listening, you might be asking yourself, Randi Lynn, I thought we were talking about design and business. What is this talk about customer experience? And I'm so glad you asked. So Robin, how do these two relate?

Robin Pasley  03:03

The really important part is do they know who you are? Do they know why you do what you do? What sets you apart from other people? In your industry, your competitors? These are the questions that we like to try to answer. Before we start designing. We want to create a design around how to set you apart for what your magic is, and make you famous in the community that you're in for what you do. Yeah, let me circle back and just touch a couple of notes I made before but one of them is that when people come into a new space, they're always a little nervous. They're not sure where to go looking around, like, who am I supposed to go? What am I supposed to do? So having some way-finding some focal points and direction is super important for that just makes people feel more comfortable. Number two is that most people are not the only people in their field. Right? So you're you've got competitors. We want to help you design around what makes you great, what makes you What's the magic in what you do that makes you rise above your competitors. And we want to accentuate those things in the space and make those apparent to your clients and customers when they walk in the door. 

Randi Lynn Johnson 

You want you them to be famous.

Robin Pasley  04:15

I do. I love that I do I want to make I want to make my clients famous for what they do in their community. That's my favorite thing. I've gotten to work with some really great people and it's been so fun to watch them soar. I mean working with a company that thought it was gonna be five years before they would expand to a second location they were expanding in a year and a half now of course I don't put that in my backpack like that was all me but I think I was a part of the process. They have a great product, they have great customer service. And together we've grown matter of fact we part partner now with this company every time they have a new location. They see us as part of their branding package now.

Randi Lynn Johnson 04:56

So as Customers increasingly prioritize experience over products or services alone. Businesses have to understand the impact that their physical spaces have on creating that memorable client experience. Yeah, because interior design elements such as lighting, layout and decor can really influence customer perception.

In an increasingly competitive market, the merits of using interior design as a strategic growth tool can make all the difference and not just surviving but thriving.

Robin Pasley  05:36

PasleyCommercial Interiors. Design to help your business grow.

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